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SMARTPOLIS Workshop: Smart Cities in Central and Eastern Europe

SMARTPOLIS Workshop - Smart Cities in Central and Eastern Europe
03 May 2017

Logo SmartpolisObjective

To strengthen co-operation among interested parties in the  CEE region and to establish the Smart Cities Forum for the CEE countries

Péter Bakonyi, Smartpolis project coordinator

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1111 Budapest, 18. Egry József street, V1. Building
‘C’ Wing Neumann Room

Organized by Budapest University of Technology and Economics


10.00  Opening of the workshop

Prof. László Jakab                          Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

10.10   Short presentation of the progress of the Horizon 2020 Smartpolis teaming project Péter Bakonyi Ph.D                     Smartpolis project coordinator

10.25  Keynote address

Prof. Dr. Lutz Heuser                     Urban Institute - Germany

Short summary of the smart city activities of the participants, focusing on the main priorities and the expected market situation of their country-institutions (15 minutes)

10.45  Prof. Aurel Gontean                                    Politehnica University of Timisoara

Eduard Dumitrascu                         Romanian Smart City Association

Mgr. Dávid Bártra                            CityOne Czech Republic – Brno

Ivan Lendak                                     University of Novy Sad

Zuzana Nehajova                           EY Czech Republic - Prague

12.00  Sándor Nagy                                    Deputy Mayor of the City of Szeged

Zoltán Póser                                    CEO EDC Debrecen

Michael Frank                                  Hungarian Telekom

Bálint Dömölki Ph.D                       IT Star EU

13.00  Networking lunch

14.00  Participant presentations

Dr. Tamás Mihálydeák                   University of Debrecen

Dr. János Csirik                               University of Szeged

Zita Buday                                        RCISD

15.00  Prof. Gyula Sallai                         BME

           Information about the Smart City Conference and Exhibition at BME in November

Kálmán Kovács Ph.D                     Chairman of the Hungarian Smart City Forum 

           Information on the Hungarian Smart City Forum                         

15.30 Discussion on the on the establishment of the Smart City Forumin

           in the CEE countries.

Decision on the establishment of the Smart City Forum in the CEE countries

Discussion about future activities

16.20  Summary – closing

Kálmán Kovács                             Director of BME EIT


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