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[ui!] @ The future of mobility in European cities Conference, Graz

IMG 1113Lutz Heuser nahm an einem Workshop im Rahmen der Konferenz "The future of mobility in European cities: Graz Forum contributing to the EU's Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA)" teil und wirkte als Moderator in einem der Workshops zum Themenbereich "future interoperability" mit.

Gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmern versucht er, zukunftsgerichtete Lösungen für eine nachhaltige urbane Mobilität zu finden, um langfristig die Umweltbelastung zu reduzieren und die Temperatursteigerung beim Klimawandel zu stoppen.


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Hier ein paar Hintergrundinformationen:

Short overview of the EU policy context

COP 21: commitment to limit the temperature increase below 2°C (aiming at 1.5°C – baseline 1990)

• The 2015 Energy Union Communication defines the strategy to attain the 2030 Climate & Energy targets:

< 40% GHG emissions reduction; < 27% of EU renewable energy consumed; < 27% improvements in energy efficiency.



1. Energy security, solidarity and trust;
2. A fully integrated European energy market;
3. Energy efficiency;
4. Decarbonising the economy;
5. Research, Innovation and Competitiveness: STRIA: Strategic Transport R&I Agenda;


 The climat challenge in context with Transport:

  • Transport = 33% of the final EU energy consumption (including international aviation but not international maritime)
  • Depends on fossil fuel for 94% of its energy needs;
  • By 2030: expected to become the largest source of CO2 emissions in the EU.

Based on an extensive consultation and with help from expert rapporteurs, this document presented roadmaps with options towards low carbon transport and mobility: 'what' and 'how' in 7 areas:

1. Cooperative, connected and automated transport
2. Transport electrification
3. Vehicle design & manufacturing
4. Low emission alternative energies for transport
5. Network and traffic management
6. Smart mobility and services (incl. urban)
7. Infrastructucture


Collaborative working sessions in the 5 priority areas of the STRIA roadmap on 'Smart mobility and services':

1. Drones and low-altitude aerial mobility
2. Establish better operating models
3. Development of integrated mobility systems
4. Sharing Data and Infrastructure
5. Future interoperability

IMG 1117 IMG 1118


 finaly: Business as usual is not an option


Source: PP Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, The future of mobility in European cities: Graz Forum contributing to the EU's Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA)

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