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Clear visualisation of public urban data

Brief information

  • Added value for citizens
  • Implementing digitalisation
  • Breaking down data silos
  • Creating standards
  • Be prepared for future tasks

Data visualisation: [ui!] COCKPIT

The data collected, analysed and processed on the open data platform [ui!] UrbanPulse is prepared and presented to interested citizens in a user-friendly way via the web-based application [ui!] COCKPIT visual. Various municipal topics are presented in different "tiles", such as:

  • The data for the land utilisation (available green space in comparison to the built-up area) are shown.
  • Information on waste management (amount of waste compared to the proportion of recycled waste) can be visualised.
  • CO2 savings: This tile offers the option of listing the CO2 emissions saved in the various areas and comparing them on a daily basis.
  • Energy mix: The energy efficiencies of the various municipal properties can be presented and compared here in a very understandable way - in the same way as the energy performance certificate. At the same time, a target value can be defined.
  • Energy history: Here you can see how much energy has been generated from various sources over the last 7 days, including renewable energy sources compared to fossil fuels.
  • Renewable energies: In line with the "Energy history" tile, you can view the generation and share of renewable energies in a pie chart.

Visual processing of municipal data

Generate and visualise knowledge from data

Possible presentation options for different subject areas

Environmental protection

  • Environmental measurement data: We offer you several available tiles for this use case.
  • Smart Waste: Intelligent waste bins of the "Big Belly" or "Mr Fill" type can be connected.
  • Noise pollution: Sensors that continuously record noise pollution can be integrated for this use case. These are clearly displayed on a tile.
  • Flood protection: A tile is available for the flood protection use case, which both citizens and decision-makers can use to constantly view the current water level.

Energy efficiency

  • Charging infrastructure: The charging stations of a provider can be integrated. A suitable connector must already be available for the provider.
  • Street lighting: The municipal street lights can be integrated and displayed. The luminaires must come from the same system - this currently includes Schréder Exedra, Philips CityTouch and Schréder Owlet IoT.
  • Astro clock: The planned individual switching times of the street lighting depending on the times of the sun are graphically processed and clearly displayed here. This enables the local authority to estimate how much electricity will be consumed by the sun-controlled switching times today.
  • Presence-dependent lighting control: If you have installed a lighting control system that regulates the brightness depending on presence, you can connect this to [ui!] EASY and display both the current brightness and the course of the day in the [ui!] COCKPIT.
  • Energy saving: In addition to the "Energy history" tile, you can view the total annual energy saved here. This is compared with the previous year and displayed as CO2 equivalents saved.
  • Solar energy: The output of a PV system varies and naturally depends on the available solar radiation. With this tile, you can see directly how much the municipal PV systems connected to the data platform are currently generating, as well as the accumulated energy over the day.
  • City information: This tile displays information on the area of the city, the current population, the number of data sources and other important key figures. This tile is always automatically included in the [ui!] EASY solution.

Mobility, traffic & parking space management

  • Smart Parking: The percentage occupancy of parking spaces can be displayed in a tile. This includes both on-street parking sensors and camera-based systems that record the occupancy of a parking space.
  • Parking: In addition to the "Smart Parking" tile, various parking spaces and their current utilisation can be integrated here. These are displayed in rotation so that the user has an overview of all the car parks in the municipality that are recorded and connected.
  • Modal split: The "Modal split" tile can be used to visualise how the modal split is used in the municipality. It can be used to answer citizens' questions, e.g. how many people use public transport, the bicycle or their own car.
  • Charging stations: The occupancy of several charging points at one location is shown in a list. At the same time, it is also recorded whether the associated car park is also available. In this way, users can see in advance whether it is worth travelling to the charging point.
  • Digital city tour: With this tile you can invite your citizens to a digital city tour. Of course, you can also link another application here that invites citizens to interact more.
  • Traffic monitoring: This tile shows you the current traffic volume and the vehicles counted over the last 24 hours at a glance. You can immediately see anomalies and recognise recurring patterns and take specific and targeted measures to counteract any increased traffic volume.
  • Traffic-dependent lighting control: As with presence-dependent lighting control, which is primarily aimed at pedestrians, it is of course also worth adapting the lighting control of street lighting to traffic. With this tile, you can view both the counted vehicles and thus the current traffic, as well as the progression over time.
  • Traffic information: This tile displays the current roadworks in the area of the municipality in a user-friendly way. The map view complements this tile perfectly, as users can view the current and even planned roadworks directly on the map.


Using the [ui!] Festival COCKPIT, which was specially developed for large events, important data such as traffic volume and traffic speeds, weather data, car park occupancy, visitor numbers, temperature and environmental data, towing procedures and much more can be displayed in real time at a control centre. This means that those responsible have an up-to-date overview at all times and can intervene if necessary.

Would you like to find out more about our solutions?

We are also available for a demonstration at our branches in Berlin, Darmstadt, Munich, Walldorf or Chemnitz or will be happy to visit you on request.

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