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The [ui!] Company group

Prof. Dr. Dr. e.h. Lutz Heuser
CEO & Co-Founder of [ui!]
The [ui!] GROUP is a synergy of the three divisions:
  • Software development - [ui!] Urban Software Institute,
  • Urban infrastructures - [ui!] Urban Lighting Innovations.
  • Sustainable mobility concepts - [ui!] Urban Mobility Innovations (B2M)
and its subsidiaries in Australia, the United Kingdom, Hungary and the USA.

[ui!] is worldwide active and advises municipalities, cities and metropolitan regions in their strategic planning to implement ambitious climate targets, optimize existing and expand with new urban infrastructure, a more sustainable mobility concept and new energy concepts in urban areas. Energy suppliers as well as municipal and private companies are customers and partners when it comes to the implementation and operation of Smart City infrastructures.

Founded with the charter to closely accompany the European innovation partnership "Smart Cities and Communities", the [ui!] GROUP supports cities, districts and regions worldwide on their way to reach the set climate protection goals with the support of digitalization as well as innovative concepts and solutions.

Climate protection, citizen benefits and economically successful services and solutions are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other to form a sustainable alliance for the future of urban space.

Therefore the companies of the [ui!] GROUP focus on cloud-based services in the following areas:
  • Open Urban Data Platform as the basis for digital transformation
  • Sustainable urban and interregional mobility
  • Low-emission, optimized traffic
  • Integrated street lighting
  • Energy management for urban quarters
  • Integrated urban infrastructures

The Concept

[ui!] was founded in 2012 to support cities in their efforts to jointly develop innovative concepts and solutions in the sense of data sovereignty for intelligent communities and regions and to use them sensibly.
Today, the [ui!] Group consists of five locations in Germany and offices in Brisbane (Australia), Budapest (Hungary), Oxford (UK) and New York (USA).

Our Strengths

The focus of our activities is on cloud-based Smart Services to provide existing urban real-time data from Open Urban Data Platforms, urban infrastructure (intelligent street lighting, environmental sensor technology), sustainable mobility, intelligent energy management and other urban data as added value for residents.

Our Customers

We support cities, districts, communities and regions on the way to SMART CITY / SMART REGION. From the first idea to the realisation we are at your side as a competent partner and can draw from an extensive collection of blueprints and the associated experience in implementation. With this collected knowledge we can advise you holistically and are at your disposal as "Trusted Advisor".

Our sustainability strategy

The Urban Software Institute, a pioneer in the development and implementation of Smart City/Smart Region solutions, is determined to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035.

This goal, which stems from both our fundamental responsibility to the environment and our desire to have a positive impact on society, is at the core of our corporate philosophy.

In a world that is increasingly facing the challenges of climate change and sustainability, we see it as our responsibility to contribute to environmental protection not only through our products and services, but also through our operations and corporate culture.

It was therefore a matter of course for us to sign the Charter for Sustainable Management of the State of Hesse.

We have already made significant progress in our efforts to reduce our company's carbon footprint. By implementing energy-efficient technologies and systems in our offices and production facilities, we have been able to significantly reduce our energy consumption.

In addition, we have placed an emphasis on environmental friendliness in the development of our software products, not only to reduce our own emissions, but also to help our customers minimize their environmental impact.

Through our close cooperation with over 100 municipalities in the development and implementation of use cases for traffic flow analysis and optimization, we have also made a significant contribution to reducing emissions in urban areas.

  • Strategic goals

    Short-term goals

    Over the next few years, we plan to further optimise our internal processes in order to reduce our CO2 emissions. In doing so, we are focussing on increasing our energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption in our offices.

    At the same time, we are working on the development and implementation of new software solutions aimed at helping our customers - especially local authorities - to reduce their CO2 emissions. These solutions should enable our customers to achieve their environmental goals more efficiently and effectively.

    Medium-term goals

    We have set ourselves the goal of significantly increasing the proportion of renewable energy in our total energy consumption. This includes covering our energy needs from solar energy, wind energy and other sustainable energy sources in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

    Another focus in the coming years will be the expansion of our product range to include specialised solutions designed to help our customers on their path to carbon neutrality. This includes the development of tools and applications that are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of cities and municipalities.

    Long-term goals

    Our long-term goal is to achieve complete CO2 neutrality for our company by 2035. This includes offsetting any remaining emissions through innovative methods such as carbon capture and storage or investing in environmental protection projects.

    In addition, we aim to further consolidate and expand our position as a leading provider of carbon-neutral smart city/smart region solutions. This includes the continuous development of our products and services and the expansion of our market presence.

    Measures to reduce CO2 emissions

    Internal measures

    Energy efficiency and renewable energy: A key component of our internal efforts to reduce CO2 emissions is the implementation and promotion of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. We have already invested in a variety of measures to lower our energy consumption and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. This includes the installation of energy-efficient lighting, the optimization of our operational processes and the use of renewable energy sources such as solar energy.

    Promoting electric mobility: As part of our commitment to a sustainable future, we have started to convert our company fleet to electric vehicles. This process will continue over the next few years, with the aim of establishing a fully electric company fleet by 2027. We are also promoting the use of electric vehicles among our employees by providing charging facilities at our sites and creating incentives for the use of electric mobility. The same applies to the use of company bicycles and e-bikes.

    Optimization of operational processes: Another important aspect of our internal measures to reduce CO2 emissions is the optimization of our operational processes. By using artificial intelligence and machine learning, we have adapted our processes to make them more efficient and environmentally friendly. This includes reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste and optimizing our travel activities. We promote the use of home office to support a healthy work-life balance for our employees and at the same time significantly reduce the number of trips since the Covid pandemic.

    External measures

    CO2-reducing software solutions for municipalities: A central component of our external efforts to reduce CO2 is the development and implementation of software solutions aimed at reducing our customers' CO2 emissions. Our products, such as the [ui!] UrbanPulse and the [ui!] COCKPIT, are continuously being developed to support municipalities in effectively reducing their emissions. We focus on solutions that make urban traffic, parking management, electromobility and urban infrastructure more efficient.

    Consulting and support for municipalities: In addition to developing software products, we also offer comprehensive consulting services to support cities and municipalities in implementing sustainable measures. These services include consulting in the areas of traffic management, electromobility, energy efficiency and CO2 reduction. We offer training courses and workshops to train municipal staff in the effective use of our software products and support them in planning and implementing measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

    Technology and innovation

    As a technology company, our focus is on the development and implementation of innovative solutions that make a positive contribution to environmental protection. Our commitment to research and development enables us to constantly develop new and improved solutions to the challenges of climate change. We are committed to developing the next generation of smart city/smart region solutions that are even more efficient and effective in reducing CO2 emissions. This includes the continuous improvement of our existing products as well as the development of new technologies and applications specifically designed to minimise the environmental impact of our customers.

  • Employee engagement and training

    Commitment to sustainability

    Employees are at the heart of the Urban Software Institute GmbH, and their commitment is crucial to the success of our sustainability strategy. We recognise that sustainable change must start from within. Therefore, our goal is to create an environment in which every employee feels responsible for and actively contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

    Training programmes

    To promote this commitment, we have introduced extensive training programmes. These programmes are designed to raise awareness of environmental issues and develop the skills of our employees with regard to sustainable practices. From workshops on environmental protection to training in energy-efficient technologies and resource management - we cover a broad spectrum.

    Innovation promotion

    We encourage our employees to develop and implement innovative ideas on sustainability. To this end, we organise regular ideas competitions in which teams can develop solutions to specific environmental problems. These initiatives not only strengthen the commitment of our employees, but also promote the creation of new, innovative solutions that advance our company and our customers. We pay particular attention to co-operative innovation within the framework of joint projects, in which we focus primarily on sustainability and climate protection issues.

  • Partnerships and cooperation

    Network development

    Partnerships are invaluable in the field of sustainability. We work closely with a wide range of stakeholders, including cities, municipalities, industry partners and research organisations. This collaboration allows us to utilise a broader range of knowledge and resources to develop innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change.

    Co-operation with municipalities

    Our partnerships with local authorities are particularly important. By jointly developing and implementing smart city solutions, we contribute directly to reducing CO2 emissions in urban areas. We are committed to deepening and expanding these partnerships in order to achieve even greater impact.

    Research and development

    Cooperation with research institutions enables us to remain at the forefront of technological development. We work together to research and develop new technologies and approaches to achieve our sustainability goals.

    Monitoring and reporting

    An effective monitoring system is crucial to measuring the progress of our sustainability efforts. We have implemented a comprehensive system that enables us to closely monitor and assess our CO2 emissions.

    Transparent reporting

    Transparency is a key element of our sustainability strategy. We regularly report on our progress, challenges and successes. This includes not only internal reports, but also the publication of information for our stakeholders and the public.

    Commitment of our customers

    We also record and report on our customers' success in reducing their CO2 emissions. This data shows how our products and services contribute to achieving climate targets and helps us to continuously improve our strategies.

  • Financing and investment

    Investing in sustainability

    Financing our sustainability initiatives is a key aspect of our strategy. We make targeted investments in technologies and projects that support our CO2 reduction targets.

    Utilisation of subsidies

    To support these investments, we make use of a variety of funding programmes and subsidies. These funds enable us to realise innovative projects that would not be possible without this financial support.

    Long-term financial planning

    We do not see sustainability as a cost factor, but as an investment in the future of our company and our society. The integration of sustainability financing into our long-term financial planning is therefore a decisive step.

  • Conclusion and outlook

    Vision of CO2 neutrality

    Our comprehensive sustainability strategy reflects our commitment to being a carbon-neutral organisation by 2035. This strategy is deeply rooted in our corporate mission and vision and is an essential part of our identity as a leading provider of smart city/smart region solutions.

    Continuous improvement

    We endeavour to continuously improve and adapt our strategies to meet changing requirements and challenges. Our journey to carbon neutrality is an ongoing process that requires commitment, innovation and collaboration.

    Contributing to a sustainable future

    In conclusion, we are convinced that our commitment to sustainability will not only lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions, but will also help to create a more liveable, healthier and more sustainable future for all. We are proud to be a leader in this crucial area and look forward to continuing on this path together with our employees, partners and customers.

Your contact persons

Prof. Dr. Dr. e.h.

Lutz Heuser

CEO, CTO & Co-Founder
[ui!] Urban Software Institute

Tino Baumann

CFO & Co-Founder of [ui!]

Matthias Weis

CEO, [ui!] Urban Lighting Innovations GmbH

Dr. Gadi Lenz

Chief Scientist

Dr. Manuel Görtz

Product Director [ui!] Analytics

Jürgen Mück

Product Manager, [ui!] TRAFFIC

Dirk Heuser

Director Marketing & Kommunikation

Peter Wichert

Global Sales Manager

Christian Seibert

Director Sales

Stephan Borgert

Research Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Simon Kaplan

CEO, [ui!] Australia

Prof. Dr. László Vajta

CEO, [ui!] Hungary

Jason Warwick

Director, [ui!]uk

Antony Page

Director, [ui!]uk

We have already received numerous awards for our solutions and activities in the Smart City area.

Cooperation Partner

Research Partner


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