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Intelligent parking guidance system launched in the city of Aalen

PNr. 500 2024 Start des neuen Parkleitsystems Foto Stadt Aalen.jpg.664377

Seven large digital display boards on the access roads to the city center will soon provide information on which 🚗 parking spaces can currently be accessed. The installed LED boards can not only display parking occupancy but can also be used to broadcast other messages.

The entire parking guidance system is designed as a 🧠 smart, learning system. This means it will not only show which parking garages currently have available spaces but also predict which parking garages will soon be full and direct traffic accordingly.

The cost of the system amounts to around 1 million euros, with the state of Baden-Württemberg covering approximately 330,000 euros through the InKoMo 4.0 funding program. The project was implemented in cooperation with partners [ui!] Urban Software Institute and the BERNARD Group.

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