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Great interest in [ui!] UrbanPulse

LutzHeuser[ui!] CEO, Prof. Dr. Dr. e.h. Lutz Heuser, will give several presentations on the topic of Open Urban Data Platform on 19 May.

As part of the 4th SCR Network Meeting Bavaria, Lutz Heuser will take part in a panel discussion and report on his experiences from a project with the city of Langefeld. hten. 


10:30 am „Datenplattformen – wissenschaftlicher Anspruch und wirtschaftliche Wirklichkeit“ Podiumsgespräch mit Prof. Thomas H. Kolbe, TUM und Prof. Lutz Heuser, Urban Institut, Moderation Willi Steincke

11:50 am Practical example: Central data platform of the city of Langenfeld
(Prof. Lutz Heuser - IoT approach, Urban Pulse,)

Registration at:


One day later, it's again [ui!] UrbanPulse as part of the Smart Government Akademie Bodensee. On this day, the event will be enriched by a pulse with the example of the digital city of Darmstadt by Lutz Heuser.

ui UrbanPulse 2020 08 12 LeH